Kalunji seeds are described in the Ayurvedic texts as pachana-dipani para (very good for stimulating digestion and low agni), ruchyam (tasty), tikshnoshnam katukam (sharp, heating and pungent).
Kalunji is prithvika, or “earthy” (in SVA terms more soma predominant), and it carries the following properties and/or actions:
It is also:
kalunji is a very powerful spice because it supports the dhatu agni or metabolic principle of the body’s all 7 tissues – each tissue in our body has its own agni or metabolic functions:
What does this mean? It means that no ama or left-over unprocessed undigested material will be left behind when you consume kalunji. We have learnt that ama - simple toxic residue from improperly digested food material - is the first step towards disease. If your digestion is optimal in your stomach and all your tissue layers, then you cannot make toxins that will create imbalances. Blissful balanced health begins with optimal digestion on all levels and kalunji is the one key that unlocks the agni in all levels.
Kalunji burns or processes ama because it is hot, but this heat is balanced. Some spices, such as Saffron, enhance the agni in a few tissues, and have no impact on other dhatu agni-s. But it is the beauty of this black seed, that it supports all the agnis. In this sense, it is safer to use even for high pitta individuals, safer than any than other spice or herb, as long as it is taken with other balancing ingredients.
Grade A wild harvested kalunji seeds
2 oz.
Add one pinch of kalunji seeds to your one or two liters of herbal tea mixuture given to you by your Shaka Vansya Ayurveda practitioner and sip throughout the day. For delicious sweet and savory recipes visit: www.vaidyamishra.com/blog and search for "kalunji"
Use under the guidance of a Shaka Vansya Ayurveda practitioner. As with all herbs, please consult with your physician before using.
This product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.