Maha Nasya Oil is the more powerful version of the regular nasya oil. It will unblock the channels, nourish the nostrils, calm the mind, and support the immune system. Best for Kapha body types or kappa congestion conditions.
Vata and Pitta body types use with caution - if unsure, best to use under the supervision of your SVA expert. Start with one drop to see if any irritation occurs. If there is no discomfort, you may work up to three drops. Use this oil only in the mornings.
Do not use in following circumstances: menses (for women); immediately after eating; or during times when experiencing or carrying a cough.
Do Not administer to children. For adult use only, eighteen years or older.
Posted by Irena G on 27th Aug 2021
No more clogged nose or dry mucus in the nostrils. Overall easier breathing. The light herbal fragrance is very pleasant and refreshing.
Posted by Raven on 28th Feb 2017
I actually purchased the Tridoshic drops and Love Love Love them. Previously I had used another companies drops and a specialty one as well but it was just a lot of thick oil and I never really noticed much of a difference. However, with these drops I feel so much clearer headed and balanced. The drops have a great mixture and I enjoy the scent as well as the consistency as it is not as thick as some of the others. I higgle recommend these products.