We are not just made of flesh and bones. Below it all lies the subtle play of vibrational frequencies, an orchestra of sounds that harmonise with nature and the entire cosmos. When we get sick, the imbalance also appears on the subtle vibrational level as well as discordant frequencies. Vedic culture, thousands of years old, and gifted by the great seers of ancient india, has the vibrational remedies for physical ailments. Listen to how Vaidya Mishra explains this ancient knowledge in modern day parlance in his DVD, then listen to the actual mantras, chant along, or play them in the background for your overall health benefits. The Devi incense contains many herbs that have been scientifically shown to enhance proper brain functioning, amongst others, Franckincense. An invaluable gift of knowledge and health bundled to save you money.
This basket includes the following, each available separately on this site:
The Mantra Collection (22 audio CDs)
This product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or complement medical advice.