Bonita Carol is the head and founder of a successful Ayurvedic Healing and Educational Center in Grass Valley, California, ( With her three decades of experience in Ayurveda and massage therapy, as well as her deep familiarity with SVA protocols and formulations, this accomplished and certified SVA expert explains and demonstrates, with a live model, the application of SVA specialty oils, transdermal creams and other detox formulations .
Through expert detailed demonstration and explanation, she illustrates the treatment of the full physiology, beginning with the scalp, ears and nostrils, continuing with neck, chest and abdomen; sweeping arms and legs, and ending with the spine and lower back. Every energy point or marma, is covered with detailed explanations as well as the use of specific vibrationally rich oils and creams; the accurate usage of mantras and the proper healer’s mental focus and disposition are also touched upon.
If you had time to watch only on practical SVA marma massage DVD, this would be the one to watch: enlightening and inspiring, a must-have in your reference library.
This product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.