Reset your physical and vibrational health through SVA Healing Mantras, with Vaidya Mishra and world renowned carnatic vocatlist Aditya Prakash, and accompanied by Sheela Bringi.
You can learn to pronounce or chant the mantras yourself, or you can just play them in your home, or office. It is not necessary to play them loud. You can play them continuously in the background and let the healing sounds of the vedic mantras purify your environment and physiology, settle your mind, and open your heart lotus. Each or all mantras can also be used for guided meditation purposes.
This cd, #3 of the set of 22, is the Soma, Agni, and Marut mantra that presents the 3 primordial creational energies that bring out the dynamic world as we know it. Chanting or hearing these mantras will help balance disruptions at their deepest root, in their most primordial form, before they become gross imbalances in the environment or your physiology.