By Vaidya R.K. Mishra
Our body is connected to the environment in all aspects. Any little change in the environment effects both our vibrational and physical bodies. Just as the transition of one season into another causes visible changes in nature, we can feel and notice seasonal impact on our mind, emotions, and physical and spiritual stamina. Even if we don't notice the changes, we experience them minute by minute and day by day. If we follow seasonal codes of conduct and stay in harmony with nature, our entire physiology will have greater capacity for health and vitality and greater resistance to discomfort and disease.
To balance and protect the physiology from the scorching heat of the summer, Vaidya Mishra's family lineage Shaka Vanshiya Ayurveda (SVA) bases all teachings and protocols on the recommendations from the founding text of Ayurveda, the Carak Samhita. Ayurveda is the only science that offers complete understanding of the importance of seasonal routine.