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Yakrit (Liver): Your Body's Powerhouse

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Yakrit – The Liver, Your Body’s Dynamic Powerhouse! 

Yakrit, the Sanskrit term for the ‘liver,’ literally means ‘where every process happens.’  The liver - the largest organ in our bodies -  literally carries out hundreds of jobs: creates blood; filters our toxins/chemicals; builds immunity. The liver carries out so many functions in the body; but did you know that it also has an amazing capacity to regenerate itself? Without the liver, a person wouldn’t gain energy from food or break down fats and proteins in their daily diets. Here are some of its most vital functions:

  • Produces fresh blood AND cleans toxins out of the blood: the many cells of the liver, known as hepatocytes, accept and filter this blood. They act as little sorting centers, determining which nutrients should be processed, what should be stored, what should be eliminated via the stool, what should go back to the blood; it also gets rid of old red blood cells; the liver thus regulates/maintains healthy amount of blood in the body;
  • Produces bile, a fluid that helps the body digest (break down) fat: the liver stores fat-soluble vitamins as well as minerals such as copper and iron, releasing them when the body needs them. It also helps to break down fats in a person’s diet: it either metabolizes fats or releases them as energy. The liver produces an estimated 800 to 1000 ml of bile each day. This bile flows into the small intestine where the fat gets broken down and absorbed - extra bile is stored in the gallbladder.

As if these functions weren’t enough, the liver also plays major roles in the following:

  • Metabolizes proteins and carbohydrates  so they turn into energy and your body can use them; 
  • Creates immune system factors that help fight against infection;
  • Create proteins responsible for blood clotting - otherwise we would bleed to death! 
  • Breaks down old and damaged red blood cell; 
  • Balances energy metabolism by converting glycogen to glucose and storing extra glucose by converting it to glycogen. Glycogen is a form of glucose that your body stores mainly in your liver and muscles. Your body needs carbohydrates from the food you eat to form glucose and glycogen.
  • Makes toxins less harmful to the body and removes them/detoxifies the bloodstream

So you can see how and when, for any reason, the “intelligence” of the liver gets compromised, different kinds of dis-ease may emerge.  A compromised liver can mean compromised health on many levels… 

In Shaka Vanshiya Ayurveda, we pay special attention to making sure the liver does not get “cranky” - as Vaidya Mishra would jokingly explain. Having taken the pulse of thousands of people who had “cranky hot livers,” he put together a gentle yet effective protocol to help cool things off and optimize its functions. 


Learn How to Care for the Liver - from the SV Ayurveda Perspective:  In this online course, you will find 12 ½ hours of in-depth knowledge on the SVA Ayurveda understanding and care for the liver.  Taught live at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam (Saylorsburg, PA), Vaidya Mishra takes us on a journey inside the yakrit (liver) - the body’s dynamic powerhouse. Teaching from the ancient sutras & the perspective of medical science, he elaborates the functions of the liver and all the etiological factors impacting it.  These factors include diet and digestion, AS WELL AS emotions, PLUS environmental toxins, EMFs, and synthetic ingredients in most personal-care products. Vaidya Mishra also teaches us how to keep the liver healthy and manage its disorders through food, herbs, marma therapy, detoxification, rejuvenation procedures, and vibrational medicine, including the use of mantras (primordial sounds with specific known effects).

So What are Some Ayurvedic Symptoms of Poor Liver Functioning ?

- Poor appetite

- Poor stamina

- Poor Thermogenesis - Uneven temperature

- Lack of enthusiasm

- Feeling heavy

- Dizziness

- Lack of strength in vocal cords

- Dark circles under eyes

- Excessive thirst

- Lack of energy in the chest

- Excessive salivation - low flame

- Water retention - Low agni (Rasa dhatu is not processing well)

- Unusual cough - dryness w/ no reason

- Feeling sleepy all the time; excessive indulgence in sleep

- Lack of glow in face and body

This in-depth seminar can be watched and enjoyed by all, but it’s an absolute must for all practitioners and serious students of Ayurveda.


Main Points of  SVA Liver Management Covered in this Course

  • Ayurvedic physiology of the liver
  • Definition of ‘Yakrit’ 
  • Sub-doshas of Yakrit
  • Dhatus and Yakrit
  • Physical channels (shrotas) & their connection with Yakrit
  • Vibrational channels (nadis) & their connection Yakrit
  • Gaps (sandhis) & the liver
  • Tri-sutra Ayurveda and the liver
  • Etiological factors (hetu-s) responsible for creating liver imbalances
  • Mind-Prana-Ranjaka connection
  • Spine (Sushumna nadi) and liver connection
  • Role of liver Detox
  • Foods and spices to avoid
  • Pro-biotics effects on liver with scientific references
  • Scientific research on herbs, liver supporting foods, and liver detoxifying foods
  • How coral calcium & loha (iron) support the liver from perspective of modern science
  • How sunlight affects the liver
  • Apana – colon and liver connection
  • Marma-s connected with the liver
  • Herbs for the liver - guduchi, maha sudarshan, bhumi Amla, bhringraj, kutki, neem, DGL, etc.
  • Liver supporting spices, such as turmeric, fennel, & coriander
  • Liver supporting vegetables – i.e. loki, mooli, & moringa
  • Liver supporting fruits - pineapple, pear, papaya, pomegranate, blue berries, black berries
  • Lentils good for the liver– mung dhal
  • Grains supporting the liver – quinoa, millet, amaranth, etc.

Contents: This course has a  total run time of approximately 12 hours and 30 minutes. It also includes a printable PDF Booklet.


If feeling unwell or experiencing any disease, always consult with your primary medical physician before using or adding any complementary approach or herbs.

DisclaimerThis product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or complement medical advice.

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